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LMSO looks forward to seeing you at our next Symphony Concert:
"Mozart and More!"
(Mozart, Grieg, Rimsky-Korsakov, & others)
Sunday, February 16, 2025
at 3:30 pm
FREE, donations accepted
At our Exciting New Venue:
Lexington 2 Performing Arts Center (L2PAC) ,
3205 Platt Springs Rd,
West Columbia, SC 29170
(Note New Venue)

Would you like to have seats
reserved for you at every concert
next season?
Follow the "Donate" link above
to support the LMSO and
your seats will be waiting for you!
By going to the "Donate" link above, you can be a part of the LMSO family and help to support our mission of providing free, live symphonic concerts to our community. Although our musicians and staff are volunteering their time and talents, we still have many expenses that are incurred in order for us to perform our music for you.
Your donation helps us continue to play our concerts Just For the Love of It!
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